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Blog Home Resources How To Locate Media in Premiere Pro

How To Locate Media in Premiere Pro

It has happened at one time or another to all video editors. You get ready to put the final changes on your masterpiece in Premiere Pro, and instead of your beautifully shot clips showing up in your viewer you get a red screen with messages in eight languages stating that your media is “offline.” If you are facing this situation, do not panic, yet. Assuming you did not accidentally delete your footage, chances are, you just renamed or misplaced it without informing Premiere Pro. To locate media, Premiere Pro users can follow these simple steps to get back on track with their project.

Step 1: Determine What’s Missing

When you see the red Media Offline screen, it may mean you are just missing one short clip or your entire project. To find which clips are offline, switch to the Project panel (Shift+1 is the keyboard shortcut). A question mark appears next to the clips that Premiere Pro cannot locate.

Step 2: Attempt To Find and Replace the Misplaced Clips

Select the clips with the question mark icons and right click. From the shortcut menu, select “Link Media.” Select the missing file from the media browser and click on “Locate.” Once you find the file, click “OK.” This relinks the file and places it back into the project. Continue this process with all other files not found by Premiere.

Step 3: Confirm the Files Work

After you locate media, Premiere Pro should allow you to link it to your project and continue working. However, it is a good idea to check that you connected to the right file and everything looks as it should. If you link to the wrong file, click the wrong clip in the project panel, select “Replace Media” and find and select the appropriate clip.

Work Smart

Video production is a detail-intense activity, and the opportunities for mistakes are plentiful. While it is good to work quickly, learn to be methodical as well. Develop strict file management and naming conventions and stick to them. It is always a good idea to back up all of the footage you shoot. Accidents happen, and it is near tragic when you inadvertently delete an irreplaceable shot.

Another way to save time while producing your mind-blowing visual projects is to learn how to incorporate the right stock footage into your work. Shutterstock provides a library of millions of breathtaking video clips covering just about every imaginable topic at a budget-friendly price.

Cover Image via Pavel Korotkov.

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